mercoledì 20 luglio 2011

Wedding in Vietri sul Mare

Hallo Lady Bugs

The Vietri's Coast gave us a perfect scenary for a marriage today!
so romantic and suggestive!
The bride was so sweet and excited in her white marmaid dress.
Her bridesmaids weren't so elegant as her 
(I didn't like at all their dresses : P...too short, too colourful, too glittery...).
her husband was very sleek with his Armani tie and Prada shoes
and he looked happy and excited all the day!
here's some photos!

La costiera di Vietri ci ha dato uno scenario perfetto per un matrimonio!
così romantico e suggestivo!
La sposa era così dolce e emozionata nel suo bianco vestito a sirena.
Le damigelle non erano belle quanto lei
(Non mi sono piaciuti per niente i loro vestiti : P troppo colorati, troppo corti, troppi brillantini!)
Lo sposo era assolutamente chic nel suo completo Armani e le sue scarpe Prada!
ecco alcune foto!

My boyfriend's dad and I

I was wearing:
No brand bluse
No brand pants
No brand shoes
Alviero Martini Bag
Pimpkie Bangles
Donnapiù Bracelet
Vogue sunglasses
Essence nailpolish "make me weak"

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